CRANBERRY PAVLOVA (serves 5 )   Gula Melts Coconut Nectar will give your pavlova base the edge 

3 egg whites
175 gm Gula Melts Coconut Nectar Sugar 
1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon corn flour
300 ml double cream
Cranberries for garnishing  


Whisk egg whites until firm but not hard.
In a pan, boil the Gula Melts Coconut Nectar until it bubbles. 
Let cool. Slowly pour in the cooled Gula Melts Coconut Nectar into the whisked egg white, whisking continuously.
Fold in corn flour and white wine vinegar.
Shape into a 20 cm diameter nest and bake at 150 Celsius for 1 hour.
Turn the oven off and leave the meringue to cool inside the oven.  
Do not open oven until cool.
Fill with whipped cream and garnish with cranberries 1 hour before serving.